Alek Krylow grew up in England, in a Polish family. He has been drawing since childhood. He was educated as a biologist in England. On moving to Denmark in 1980, he began illustrating biology book.
Later he began to teach watercolour painting. In the last 25 years he has taught ordinary students as well as other watercolour teachers in drawing and watercolour techniques. Alek har produced 18
watercolour teaching videos in Danish. Two of these are available in English. In the last year he has had a book on watercolour techniques published. An English version of the book is available as a CD.
...and now for something completely different!

This is my main page, to go to other pages just click a button below!
How to draw sheep and boats - for FREE!
see UTube
Watercolour book on a CD
22 chapters
Watercolour instruction DVDs
Videos in English.
...a new way to learn to paint! 
Watercolour weekend courses i Denmark
Summer watercolour courses on the island of Fur, Denmark 2009.
Jettestuen - Gallery 
Alek Krylow
Commisioned portraits
personal portraits(85x65cm)
mail to get a price.

Here you can see some of my graphics, wood sculptures and oilpaintings.

Rent a sommer house on Fur.
Bed and Breakfast on Fur.
Have a look around FUR.
Visit my friends

Thanks for the visit!