In january 2013 while on holiday i Luala Lumpur, Malaysia I was asked to paint a wall-painting in a private house.
The idea started with a jungle scene in which an elephant would come pushing its way through the vegetation
and ended with the elephant breaking down the wall of the house.
The painting started as a sketch in my sketch-book and developed as the photographs show..
From a Danish newspaper.
The sketch
The wall
Inspired by "street art" seen on my last trip to Penang in Malaysia, I have painted
three wall paintings at my gallery on Fur.
One is of a girl watering a window box with flowers, standing on a 'real' chair, the other is a sign for the gallery. The boy standing on a 'real' beer box.
The third is of Jette painting her own painting!
As you can see, the idea is to combine a painting with reality.
Girl watering flowers
Gallery sign
Jette paints 
In December 2012 I was asked to paint a night sky on the ceiling in the entrance hall of a private home.
It ended up like this...
Night sky
in the entrance hall of a private house.
In 2010, Jette and I painted a wall in a bar - "The Tivoli Bar" on Clinton Plaza in Bangkok.

...thanks for the visit.
Alek Krylow.