Akvarel Productions

Alek Krylow has been painting watercolours for more than 30 years.
Since moving to Denmark in 1980, he has been working as a book illustrator
and as a watercolour artist and teacher. Over the years
he has produced
many watercolour 'instruction video films'.
He has now published two books on watercolour techniques
"Akvarel - et spørgsmål om vand" and "at male lette Akvareller"
both of which which you can buy here on the internet.
Now is your chance to see some of his paintings.
Click on each thumbnail to see a larger image.
1991 - Portraits in Watercolour. - Portrætter.

Billederne 56 x76 cm store.
2014 - Akryl portrætter af Alek Krylow - 35x120cm.
2015 - Akryl malerier - Fur motiver - 80x60cm.

Bestillings billeder/ Pictures painted to order

Watercolours from Bali, Marang and Sumatra. - Akvareller.
1996 - 2000 Pen drawings from travel diaries - tusch/akvarel fra rejsebøger.

Some early watercolours! (ca.1980). - Gamle akvareller.
De nyeste akvareller

Ischia, Italien
38x56cm. (indrammet 2500kr)
85x65cm. (indrammet 3500kr)
Akvarel instruktionsDVD.

No art work can be used without permission.
To see more Watercolours click the Logo at the bottom of the page.
Comments and questions welcome!
Languages spoken: English, Danish and Polish.
See also Jette Hernes Gallery